ACURC is our Architectural Control and Use Restriction Committee. The purpose of ACURC is maintain a level of control over the general aesthetics and appearance of the homes in our neighborhood.
The new board would like to remind all members of the Glenfield community that any significant home exterior and landscaping additions, modifications, improvements or changes that are visible from the front of your property must be reviewed and approved by the Architectural Control and Use Restriction Committee (ACURC). This is explained in our DCCR Art. IX, Section 19 – Modifications. The reason being we need to ensure that the modifications remain consistent with the general aesthetics and appearance of our neighborhood.
Homeowners who cause unapproved home exterior or landscaping changes will receive an initial warning violation. Any subsequent violations of section 19 may be subject to a fine. Any unapproved home exterior or landscaping changes may be requested by the board to be modified, repaired or removed to bring the modification in-line with the general aesthetic and appearance of our neighborhood at the owner’s expense.
The process to inform ACURC will be simple. You may contact ACURC via:
The details of the modification should include:
Any modifications outside of general lawn and gardening maintenance will require review by ACURC. Planting grass seed or installing sod will no longer require approval from ACURC.
As a change from previous ACURC procedures, we will be adhering more strictly to the language of the DCCR. Specifically, DCCR Art. IX, Section 15 – Lot Upkeep will no longer be used to address lawn degradation issues. The language specifically states that grass will be regularly mowed and any debris be removed. That will be the expectation going forward. We will expect that all sidewalks will be clear, free of debris and no impediments from shrubs.
While we believe the DCCR doesn’t specifically address lawn degradation issues, we will expect that lawns be maintained to the best of the owner’s ability. If a modification request is received, ACURC approval may additionally require that work be done to address issues with the lawn.
ACURC would like to encourage homeowners, especially those that may have considerable difficulty growing grass, due to lack of adequate sunlight, to consider utilizing concepts from a Florida-Friendly Landscaping Program. There are a significant number of resources available to assist on the internet, and we will provide links to some options within the ACURC section of the website.
Additionally, we would also advise that DCCR Art. IX, Section 21 – Mandatory Irrigation System requires that each homeowner have a working automated irrigation system. Many lawn issues may be remedied by providing an adequate amount of watering.
We will regularly update the website with information that may be helpful or useful for our community. We actively encourage anyone that would like to assist ACURC to reach out and contact us. Just to reiterate, If you plan on doing any home exterior or significant landscaping changes, please let us know in advance.
ACURC Committee